Clever things - successful decisions. - Service of offices computers, the software for educational institutions and business
phone:  (+371) 29213386
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About us

IT infrastructure and information systems it is only tools for conducting your business.

Our task is to adjust and help to use these tools as much as possible effectively that will help you to minimize expenses or if to tell normal language – to save money in our hard time.

We will not paint here that we are the professionals, and it is necessary to co-operate only with us, etc. But we will tell that we are engaged in favorite business and we are driving to achive perfection in this business. Let's note just that we have outstanding IT experience and considerable works portfolio.

Information system for an educational institutions MS Nexus

Information system MS Nexus is specially developed for educational institutions of Latvia, and constantly is developing since 1999.

Computer service, IT outsourcing

We are offering IT services outsourcing - a full cycle of computers service and enterprise IT infrastructure integration.

Web design, developing and Web-pages development

Web-page on the Internet is an effective and modern method of advertising.

Even not big web page-business card is the big step on business advancement.

Developed by . Copyright © 2007-2017, All right reserved.

Datoru serviss un apkalpošana, IT pakalpojumi, datoru remonts un modernizācija, IT struktūras izstrādei, datoru pakalpojumi, tīklu instalācijas darbus, tīklu administrēšana, servisa darba, Datortehnikas apkalpošana, biroju tehnikas remontu juridiskām un privātpersonām, datortehnikas meistar, servisa centrs, garantijas,IT tehnisku risinājumu sagatavošanu, printeru kasetņu atjaunošanu un uzpildi, jaunas datortehnikas un programmatūras iegādi, un to licencēšanu.

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