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Information system for an educational institutions MS Nexus

Information system for an educational institutions MS Nexus

The MS Nexus system is specially developed for educational institutions of Latvia constantly working and developing since 1999.

The system forms a uniform information field in an educational institution, automates information streams and document circulation for educational process.

Allows to simplify as much as possible such labor-consuming operations as transfer of students, deduction of debtors, reception of summary statistics, the progress control, various reports, etc., you can effective and in the convenient form to receive the full information on the student or on all educational institution.

You will receive in the hands the effective tool of management of the financial data, including analytical reports for the top management, information reports for students and a financial report for bookkeeper department.

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The system effectively solves problems of educational institution management. Main reason for that is that system was developing based on real life experience and feedbacks from actual educational institution practice since 1999, and thanks to it is capable to facilitate considerable work and to accelerate various information receptions by the top management.

The system is intended for use in average and higher educational institutions (colleges, the higher schools, institutes) with number of students up to 4000. But application can be used in other educational institutions.

Developed by . Copyright © 2007-2017, All right reserved.

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